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Commercial Vehicle Show LLP Privacy Notice


The Commercial Vehicle Show LLP is committed to protecting your privacy and complies with the principles of the relevant data protection regulations.  This privacy notice explains in detail how we will store and handle that personal information, how we keep it safe, and how you can exercise your privacy rights.  

About the Commercial Vehicle Show LLP and your personal data   

By using our services, you are agreeing to this Notice.  

Any questions regarding this Notice and our privacy practices should be sent by email to the Show Organiser (the LLP’s contractor) Nineteen Group Limited at or by writing to: CV Show, Nineteen Group, Central House, 1 Alwyne Road, Wimbledon SW19 7AB, United Kingdom.

When you provide personal data to us (either directly, or via our Show Organiser and their contractors who support us with the Commercial Vehicle Show), and when we collect your personal data from other sources, we are a controller of the personal data.  Our staff are employees of Nineteen Group Limited the Show Organiser being the data processor on behalf of the LLP which is the data controller of your personal data.  In this notice, “we”, “us” and “our” refers to the Show Organiser as the data processor and the LLP, as the data controller.

We have appointed a Data Protection Manager and you can address your data protection requests, questions or comments to that person, via  Our manager is not a Data Protection Officer for the purposes of UK data protection law.  We have considered whether we are required to have a Data Protection Officer, and we have concluded that it is not required. 

The principal ways in which we collect information about you

  • When you contact us.
  • When you visit our website.
  • When you register to visit the event.
  • When you complete a Space Application Form to exhibit at the event.
  • When you complete surveys that we present to you during the registration process (or at other times).
  • When you complete forms contained in the Exhibitor Manual and submit them to us, including (for example) the form by which the exhibitor organisation tells us what contact and other details we must include in the public list of exhibitors that we will publish).
  • In preparation for the event, so that we (or our contractors) can get instructions from you (and from the exhibitor organisation, via you), and so that if need be we can correspond with you concerning cancellation of the event or part of it.
  • When you attend the event (your attendance will be recorded by our contractor issuing you with a bar-coded badge and scanning the badge, or using an alternative recording system if the scanning equipment is unavailable).
  • When you attend any exhibitor’s stand (if you allow them to scan your entry badge).
  • When you download content from our website.
  • As part of our enquiries (as referred to in the Exhibitor Terms and Conditions for the Commercial Vehicle Show), including enquiries to confirm exhibitors’ qualifications.

The information collected about you in connection with the Show:

This personal data may be collected by us or on our behalf, by our contractors.

  • Your name, email address, postal address, social media handle, job title, the exhibitor who you represent or work for, and phone number.
  • The consent decisions and opt-out decisions you have told us about.
  • Your responses to forms that we ask you to fill in as part of the registration process and in preparation for the event.
  • Your responses to surveys that we present to you.
  • Whether or not you have registered for a Commercial Vehicle Show, or as a user on our website.
  • Whether or not you have attended a Commercial Vehicle Show.
  • Your attendance at any exhibitor’s stand (if you allow them to scan your entry badge).
  • Our findings if we carry out due diligence on the qualifications of the exhibitor who you represent or work for.
  • Your instructions concerning the stand allocated to the exhibitor who you represent or work for.
  • Online account log in credentials, such as user names and passwords, password hints and similar security information.
  • Other account or event registration, event attendance, and profile information.
  • Comments, feedback and other information you provide to us, including information that you send to customer support and messages, appointment inquiries and other information that you wish to share with our exhibitors, visitors, our partners and others.
  • Information about how you and your device interact with our website, including computer, device and connection information, such as IP address, browser type and version, operating system, platform and other software installed on your device, unique device identifier and other technical identifiers, error reports and performance data.
  • Usage data concerning your use of our website, such as features you used, the settings you selected, your URL click stream data, including date and time stamp and referring and exit pages, and pages you visited on the Service.
  • Checks by us (or by our contractors, acting on our behalf) to confirm whether the contact details and other personal data that we hold about you, and your role for the exhibitor that you represent or work for, are correct.  The checks may result in us obtaining your personal data for the first time, for example if you have recently taken up a role that involves liaising with us about the attendance of the exhibitor at the Commercial Vehicle Show.
  • If you need medical assistance (or if you are involved in a health and safety incident) at the Commercial Vehicle Show, we may collect information about the incident or accident.  (Incidents and accidents will be handled and logged primarily by the third party who provides the venue for the Commercial Vehicle Show, but as the provider of the show we may wish to keep our own records.)

Depending on which of our services  you use and how you interact with us, we may also collect, use and retain in our records some or all of the following data about you (although this is not an exhaustive list):  

a)       information that you need to provide when you acquire or use our services. This information may include name, postal address, telephone numbers, email address;

b)      other information which is optional for you to provide when you acquire or use our services;

c)       details of your correspondence with The Commercial Vehicle Show LLP (including if you contact us to exercise any of your rights under UK data protection law) and any other information you have given to The Commercial Vehicle Show LLP e.g. customer feedback forms, company documents, brand toolkits, financial information, marketing plans.  

UK data protection law recognises “special categories of data”, a list of types of personal data and personal data usage that are subject to special protection under those laws.  The types are: personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership; use of genetic data or biometric data to uniquely identify an individual; data concerning health; or data concerning a natural person's sex life or sexual orientation.  We do not normally collect or use special categories of data, but we may keep records including data concerning your health if you need medical assistance, or have an accident, at the Commercial Vehicle Show.

We may aggregate your personal data that we collect, with other information which may be provided by other sources, such as the exhibitor who you represent or work for, our contractors who support us in relation to the Commercial Vehicle Show, our agents, and members of our group of organisations (and their owners).  We use aggregated data for statistical analysis, to improve and understand how exhibitors at and visitors to the show use our services (or the services of any member of our group of organisations or its owners), and to report on these matters to our stakeholders. 

When we aggregate data, what we produce and use is statistical data.  It may originate from your personal data, but it contains no information that can be used to identify you, so it is no longer personal data.

How we use personal data (and our legal bases)

We will use your personal data in the following ways:  

a)        to provide our services to you and the exhibitor that you represent or work for, in preparation for the Commercial Vehicle Show and your attendance at it, as well as during the show;

b)        (if you, or the exhibitor that you represent or work for, instruct us to do this via the Exhibitor List form which is included in the Exhibitor Manual for each Commercial Vehicle Show) to include your name, personal email address and/or personal telephone number in the publicly accessible list of exhibitors that we publish for each show;

c)        to invoice you for our services and your attendance at the Commercial Vehicle Show;

d)        to record your attendances at the Commercial Vehicle Show;

e)        (if you allow any exhibitor to scan your visitor badge at their stand) to record your attendance at the other exhibitor’s stand;

d)        to keep in touch with you and inform you about future Commercial Vehicle Shows;

e)        to create aggregated data for statistical purposes (see above for details).

We will rely on the following legal bases for using your personal data:

a)      Consent: The individual has given clear consent for us to process their personal data for a specific purpose. For example, they have signed a space application form to exhibit at the CV show, or they have registered as a visitor to the CV show.  We rely on your consent to use your personal data for the following purposes:

  • If you ask us to include any of your contact details in the public list of exhibitors that we publish for each Commercial Vehicle Show.
  • For sharing your personal data with other organisations in our group, and the owners (members) of our Limited Liability Partnership, for their marketing purposes.  Currently the LLP’s members are The Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders Ltd and Road Haulage Association Ltd.
  • For sharing your personal data with our event sponsors, with exhibitors or with other relevant third parties for the purposes of them sending you direct marketing by email or post.
  • For us contacting you by telephone as part of our marketing of the event, if you are a subscriber to the Telephone Preference Service.
  • For other organisations in our group, our event sponsors, exhibitors or other relevant third parties contacting you by telephone, for the purposes of their own direct marketing, if you are a subscriber to the Telephone Preference Service.

b)     Legal obligation: we rely on this if use of your personal data is necessary for us to comply with the law.  For example, we are required to try and ensure that the personal data we hold about you is accurate and up to date, so we will rely on this legal basis for us (or our contractors, on our behalf) to contact you or the exhibitor that you represent or work for from time to time in order to check the accuracy of the personal data.

c)    Legitimate interests: we rely on this when use of your personal data is necessary for our legitimate interests or the legitimate interests of our clients,, event sponsors, members of our group of organisations or its owners, our partners or other stakeholders, unless there is a good reason to protect the individual’s personal data which overrides those legitimate interests.  We rely on legitimate interests to use your personal data in particular for the following purposes:

  • If the exhibitor asks us to include any of your contact details in the public list of exhibitors that we publish for each Commercial Vehicle Show (unless the exhibitor obtains your consent to us doing that, in which case we rely on your consent provided via the exhibitor).  It is in our legitimate interests to do this, because as part of our Terms and Conditions for exhibitors, we ask each exhibitor to ensure that they obtain an appropriate permission from you.  It is reasonable and legitimate for us to rely on a lawful permission obtained by the exhibitor in these circumstances.  As an additional safeguard for you, we always check with the exhibitor to confirm that they do wish to include personal contact details in the publicly available list.
  • Preparing for the show (including taking your instructions, and getting our contractors to perform your instructions), and holding the show with our contractors’ help.  It is in our legitimate interests to do this, because we only carry out these tasks if you apply to exhibit at the event, and it is commercially and operationally normal for event providers to use contractors.  We list our main types of contractors below.
  • If you allow any exhibitor to scan your attendance badge.  We will arrange for your contact details to be provided (by us or our contractors) to the exhibitor so that they can follow up with you.  It is in our legitimate interests to do so, because we inform you in this notice, and by notices which are provided in the registration area at the entrance to the event, that your contact details will be shared in this way if you allow your badge to be scanned.  As you are informed, you have the option of deciding not to allow your badge to be scanned.
  • For using your personal data for statistical, feedback review, event change/ improvement, and reporting purposes (as described above).  It is in our legitimate interests to do so, because we use specially prepared data that does not identify you.  (We statistically review and report on trends, such as the geographical spread or sectors that are represented by our exhibitors, and the number of exhibitors in each such cohort.)  Our use of your personal data in this way is unlikely to have any impact on you.

d)     Informed opt-in for email marketing: If you have previously applied for or attended the Commercial Vehicle Show or used any of our services, as part of your registration you will have been informed that we would like to send you direct marketing by email about our similar services.  When we inform you, and each time we email you, we give you an easy method of unsubscribing from the emails.  In these circumstances, it is lawful for us to send you such emails, and we will continue to send you them until you unsubscribe.  You can unsubscribe at any time by contacting

e)     Vital interests: if it is necessary for us to use your personal data to protect you or any other individual(s), for example where there is a significant risk of serious injury or death.

We do not collect or use special categories of data.  As such, we do not state here any legal bases for using those types of personal data.

Who we share personal data with and why  

We may pass on your personal data to our third party suppliers, providers and contractors who provide services to or for us in connection with us delivering the Show and associated services to yourself (or the exhibitor who you represent or work for) or have been requested by yourself or the exhibitor. These services and third parties include:

  • Our staff who are employed by Nineteen Group and who perform the LLP’s tasks and activities as the contracted Show Organiser and data processor.
  • Our staff who are appointed as consultants, agency staff, contractors, sub-contractors or on any other basis other than as employees, but who are subject to our day-to-day line management or supervision.
  • Our website hosting contractor.
  • Our contractor who manages our event marketing
  • Our contractor who manages exhibitor registrations for us.
  • Our venue provider (currently NEC).
  • Our bank which processes payments made by you or the exhibitor who you represent or work for
  • Our insurers.
  • Our contractor who provides show guides during the Commercial Vehicle Show.
  • Our exhibition stand contractors, including electrical, furnishing and health and safety contractors.
  • Service providers used by us or our suppliers, providers or contractors for sending email or other correspondence, payment processing, marketing services, managing health and safety or medical incidents, as well as preparation for the Commercial Vehicle Show and holding the Show.

The contractors use your personal data only for our purposes, to perform the tasks assigned to them, on our behalf, under our instruction, in relation to the Commercial Vehicle Show.  They are obliged not to disclose or use the information for any other purpose unless required by our instruction. Suppliers and providers who are not listed (above) as being contractors, may be controllers and so may decide the purposes for which your personal data is used by or for them.

We may also disclose your personal data to other third parties: if we believe we are required by law to disclose or share such information, for example in order to comply with any legal obligation or to defend or enforce any legal or contractual rights; to identify, contact or take action against a person who is damaging or interfering with the rights, property or operations of any person; for any law enforcement purposes, including on the request or demand of any law enforcement or other legal, administrative or regulatory authority; in order to enforce or apply our Terms and Conditions or otherwise bring legal action against you or the exhibitor you represent or work for; or if we are otherwise permitted to do so in accordance with UK data protection law.

How long we retain your personal data

We will retain and use your personal data until it is deleted as part of regular data cleansing, or you ask us to stop holding it. 

We arrange for the Commercial Vehicle Show contact database (and individual records within it) to be cleansed annually.  The task is performed by us, or by our contractors (acting on our instruction).  We consider factors such as how recently you have exhibited at or visited the Commercial Vehicle Show (or otherwise been in contact with us).  If we or our contractors find that your records are inactive or potentially inaccurate for the purposes of our policies, we may delete the personal data that we hold about you, or (if we are able to obtain updates from you or another source that we consider reliable) update it. You can contact our Data Protection Manager, via, at any time to ask for details of the policies that we apply to make the update or deletion decision.

You can also contact our Data Protection Manager, via, at any time to exercise your right of erasure, and your other rights under UK data protection law.

Location of your personal data

We correspond with a very large number of exhibitor organisations and their staff each year.  To achieve this we and our contractors need to use specialised computing resources All of our IT systems (and our other records, such as paper-based records) are stored in the United Kingdom by us (on our premises, or premises controlled by us) or on our behalf by our contractors who provide or manage our IT systems and other records.

The United Kingdom left the European Union on 1 January 2020.  

  • If you are in any EU member state, please be aware that your personal data is transferred, stored and used by us or our contractors primarily in the United Kingdom.
  • If you are not in the UK or any EU member state (the Commercial Vehicle Show is an international show and our exhibitors are based all over the world), be aware of where your personal data is transferred to, stored and used.  UK data protection law is based on EU data protection law and provides a level of protection for your data, and rights for you.  The laws where you are may provide similar, less or no such protection or rights, but we will unavoidably need to transfer your personal data to your location as part of (for example) our correspondence with you.

Links to Other Sites

Our website may contain links to other sites. If you click on a third-party link on our website, you will be directed to that site. Note that these external sites are not operated by us. Therefore, we strongly advise you to review the Privacy Notice of these websites. We have no control over, and assume no responsibility for the content, privacy policies or practices of any third – party sites or services.

Your data and your rights  

Under UK data protection law and in certain circumstances, you have the right to:  

•            Request access to personal data that is held about you by or for us.  This includes a right for you to receive a copy of the personal data that is held, and to check it is being lawfully used by or for us.  If you would like to make a subject access request, please mark your correspondence to us with the heading “SUBJECT ACCESS REQUEST”.

•            Request rectification of your personal information if you become aware of any inaccuracies in your personal data that is used by or for us.

•            Request erasure: of your personal data where (a) there is no good reason for us continuing to use it as described in this or our other Privacy Notices, (b) we rely on your consent and you have withdrawn it, (c) you have exercised your right to object to our use of it (see below) and there is no exception permitting its continued use, (d) it is established that there was no lawful right for the use of your personal data by or for us, or (e) UK data protection law requires us to erase your personal data.

•            Object to the use of your personal data.  You can exercise this right if we rely on legitimate interests as our legal basis, and there is something about your particular situation which makes you want to object to the use of your personal data by or for us (if there is no exception which applies to permit us to keep using it).

•            Stop your personal data being used by or for us for profiling for direct marketing purposes, or for sending direct marketing to you.

•            Restrict our use of your personal data.  You can ask us to suspend our use of your personal data by or for us, for example if you want us to establish its accuracy or the reason for its use by or for us, or you consider it no longer needs to be used  for our stated purposes (but you want it to be preserved).  You may also ask us to restrict use of your personal data if you exercise your right to object to our use of your personal data and no exception applies to permit its continued use by or for us.

•            Withdraw your consent if we rely on your consent as our legal basis for use of your personal data by or for us.

•            Opt out if you are receiving direct marketing emails from us based on informed opt-in (as described above).  You can opt out using the section “How we use your personal data” in the Space Application Form and brochure, or by following the unsubscribe instructions in the emails that we send to you, or by contacting

•            Complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office, which is the regulator of personal data and data protection the UK. See for details.

If you wish to exercise these rights please contact our Data Protection Manager, which you can do quickly and conveniently via

Our Security and your data

If you use our website, whilst we will use all reasonable efforts to safeguard your information, please bear in mind that the use of the internet can never be entirely secure.  

Children’s Privacy

Our websites and event services are not intended to address anyone under the age of 13. We do not knowingly collect personal data from children under 13. In the case we discover that a child under 13 has provided us with personal data, we immediately delete this. If you are a parent or guardian and you are aware that your child has provided us with personal data, please contact us via

Changes to This Privacy Notice

We may update our Privacy Notice from time to time. Thus, we advise you to review this page (as updated or replaced from time to time) periodically for any changes. We will notify you of any changes by posting the new Privacy Notice on this page. These changes are effective immediately, after they are posted on this page.

Version 4 – updated 6 December 2024



The Commercial Vehicle Show LLP is committed to protecting your privacy and complies with the principles of the relevant data protection regulations. This privacy notice explains in detail how we will store and handle that personal data, how we keep it safe, and how you can exercise your privacy rights.  

About The Commercial Vehicle Show LLP and your personal data   

By using our services, you are agreeing to this Notice.  

Any questions regarding this Notice and our privacy practices should be sent by email to the LLP’s contracted Show Organiser at or by writing to: CV Show, Nineteen Group, Central House, 1 Alwyne Road, Wimbledon SW19 7AB, United Kingdom. We collect information about you when you provide personal data to us (either directly, or via our contractors who support us with the Commercial Vehicle Show), and when we collect your personal data from other sources.  Our staff are employees of Nineteen Group Ltd, the Show Organiser and data processor on behalf of the LLP which is the data controller of your personal data.  In this notice, “we”, “us” and “our” refers to the Show Organiser as the data processor and the LLP as the data controller.

We have appointed a Data Protection Manager and you can address your data protection requests, questions or comments to that person, via  Our manager is not a Data Protection Officer for the purposes of UK data protection law.  We have considered whether we are required to have a Data Protection Officer, and we have concluded that it is not required. 

The principal ways in which we collect information about you

  • When you contact us.
  • When you visit our website.
  • When you register to visit the event.
  • When you complete surveys that we present to you during the registration process (or at other times).
  • In preparation for the event, so that we (or our contractors) can, if need be, correspond with you concerning cancellation of the event or part of it, or other changes or arrangements.
  • When you attend the event (your attendance will be recorded by our contractor issuing you with a bar-coded badge and scanning the badge, or using an alternative recording system if the scanning equipment is unavailable).
  • When you attend any exhibitor’s stand (if you allow them to scan your entry badge)
  • When you download content from our website.

The information collected about you in connection with the Show:

This personal data may be collected by us or on our behalf, by our contractors.

  • Your name, email address, postal address, social media handle, job title, the organisation which you represent or work for (if any), how you found out about the show, phone number, and your registration IDs (assigned to you by us or our contractors).
  • The consent decisions and opt-out decisions you have told us about.
  • Your responses to forms that we ask you to fill in as part of the registration process and in preparation for the event.
  • Your responses to surveys that we present to you.
  • Whether or not you have registered for a Commercial Vehicle Show, or as a user on our website.
  • Whether or not you have attended a Commercial Vehicle Show.
  • Your attendance at any exhibitor’s stand (if you allow them to scan your entry badge).
  • Online account log in credentials, such as user names and passwords, password hints and similar security information.
  • Other account or event registration, event attendance, and profile information.
  • Comments, feedback and other information you provide to us, including information that you send to customer support and messages, appointment inquiries and other information that you wish to share with us, our exhibitors, other visitors, our partners and others.
  • Information about how you and your device interact with our website, including computer, device and connection information such as IP address, browser type and version, operating system, platform and other software installed on your device, unique device identifier and other technical identifiers, error reports and performance data.
  • Usage data concerning your use of our website, such as features you used, the settings you selected, your URL click stream data, including date and time stamp and referring and exit pages, and pages you visited on the Service.
  • Checks by us (or by our contractors, acting on our behalf) to confirm whether the contact details and other personal data that we hold about you are correct.
  • If you need medical assistance (or if you are involved in a health and safety incident) at the Commercial Vehicle Show, we may collect information about the incident or accident.  (Incidents and accidents will be handled and logged primarily by the third party who provides the venue for the Commercial Vehicle Show, but as the provider of the show we may wish to keep our own records.)

Depending on which of our services you use and how you interact with us, we may also collect, use and retain in our records some or all of the following personal data about you (although this is not an exhaustive list):  

a)       information that you need to provide when you acquire or use our services (this information may include name, postal address, telephone numbers, email address);

b)      other information which is optional for you to provide when you acquire or use our services;

c)       details of your correspondence with The Commercial Vehicle Show LLP (including if you contact us to exercise any of your rights under UK data protection law) and any other information you have given to The Commercial Vehicle Show LLP e.g. customer feedback forms, company documents, brand toolkits, financial information, marketing plans.  

UK data protection law recognises “special categories of data”, a list of types of personal data and personal data usage that are subject to special protection under those laws.  The types are: personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership; use of genetic data or biometric data to uniquely identify an individual; data concerning health; or data concerning a natural person's sex life or sexual orientation.  We do not normally collect or use special categories of data but we may keep records which including data concerning your health if you need medical assistance, or have an accident, at the Commercial Vehicle Show.

We may aggregate your personal data that we collect, with other information which may be provided by other sources, such as our contractors who support us in relation to the Commercial Vehicle Show, our agents, and members of our group of organisations (and their owners).  We use aggregated data for statistical analysis, to improve and understand how exhibitors at and visitors to the show use our services (or the services of any member of our group of organisations or its owners), and to report on these matters to our stakeholders. 

When we aggregate data, what we produce and use is statistical data.  It may originate from your personal data, but it contains no information that can be used to identify you, so it is no longer personal data.

How we use personal data (and our legal bases)

We will use your personal data in the following ways:  

(a)       to provide our services to you, in preparation for the Commercial Vehicle Show and your attendance at it, as well as during the show;

(b)       to record your attendances at the Commercial Vehicle Show;

(c)       (if you allow any exhibitor to scan your visitor badge at their stand) to record your attendance at any exhibitor’s stand;

(d)       to keep in touch with you and inform you about future Commercial Vehicle Shows;

(e)       to arrange for advertising about the Show to be presented to you online when you use social networks that you are a member of (this is arranged directly with the social network provider, and you are identified to them by your email address, which we or our providers supply to them);

(e)       to create aggregated data for statistical purposes (see above for details).

We will rely on the following legal bases for using your personal data:

a)      Consent: we rely on your consent to use your personal data for the following purposes:

  • For sharing your personal data with other organisations in our group, and the owners (members) of the Limited Liability Partnership, for their marketing purposes.  Currently the LLP’s members are The Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders Ltd and Road Haulage Association Ltd.
  • For sharing your personal data with our event sponsors, with exhibitors or with other relevant third parties for the purposes of them sending you direct marketing by email or post.
  • For us contacting you by telephone as part of our marketing of the event, if you are a subscriber to the Telephone Preference Service.
  • For other organisations in our group, our event sponsors, exhibitors or other relevant third parties contacting you by telephone, for the purposes of their own direct marketing, if you are a subscriber to the Telephone Preference Service.
  • For us contacting you by email as part of our marketing of the Show, whether or not you have attended the Show before, unless we are able to rely on the email opt-in described below.
  • For use of cookies on our website.  You can find more information about our use of cookies, and our Cookie Notice, at

b)     Legal obligation: we rely on this if use of your personal data is necessary for us to comply with the law.  For example, we are required to try and ensure that the personal data we hold about you is accurate and up to date, so we may rely on this legal basis for us (or our contractors, on our behalf) to contact you from time to time in order to check the accuracy of the personal data.

c)    Legitimate interests: we rely on this when use of your personal data is necessary for our legitimate interests or the legitimate interests of our clients, event sponsors, members of our group of organisations or its owners, our partners or other stakeholders, unless there is a good reason to protect the individual’s personal data which overrides those legitimate interests.  We rely on legitimate interests to use your personal data in particular for the following purposes:

  • Preparing for the show, and holding the show, with our contractors’ help.  It is in our legitimate interests to do this, because it is commercially and operationally normal for event providers to use contractors.  We list our main types of contractors below.
  • If you allow any exhibitor to scan your attendance badge.  We will arrange for your contact details to be provided (by us or our contractors) to the exhibitor so that they can follow up with you.  It is in our legitimate interests to do so, because we inform you in this notice, and by notices which are provided in the registration area at the entrance to the event, that your contact details will be shared in this way if you allow your badge to be scanned.  As you are informed, you have the option of deciding not to allow your badge to be scanned.
  • For using your personal data for statistical, feedback review, event change/ improvement, and reporting purposes (as described above).  It is in our legitimate interests to do so, because we use specially prepared data that does not identify you.  (We statistically review and report on trends, such as the geographical spread or sectors that are represented by our exhibitors, and the number of exhibitors in each such cohort.)  Our use of your personal data in this way is unlikely to have any impact on you.
  • For using your personal data for online advertising.  It is in our legitimate interests to do so, because it is commercially normal for event providers to advertise online (including within social networks) to raise awareness, bookings and attendance for the event, and you will only receive our advert if you are an active user of our chosen social network(s) and your user and browser settings permit advertising to be presented to you.  We inform you about it in this notice and when you register for the event, so if you object to the advertising you can stop it at any time.  Object by contacting  Your social network providers are independent controllers and should provide you with their own Privacy Notices like this one.  You may need to contact them, in their capacity as controllers, instead of (or as well as) the Show if you object to the advertising.

d)     Informed opt-in for email marketing: if we do not have your consent to contact you by email as part of our marketing of the Show and similar services, and you have previously applied for or attended the Commercial Vehicle Show or used any of our services, as part of your registration you will have been informed that we would like to send you direct marketing by email about our similar services.  When we inform you, and each time we email you, we give you an easy method of unsubscribing from the emails.  In these circumstances, it is lawful for us to send you such emails, and we will continue to send you them until you unsubscribe.  You can unsubscribe at any time by contacting

e)     Vital interests: if it is necessary for us to use your personal data to protect you or any other individual(s), for example where there is a significant risk of serious injury or death.

We do not collect or use special categories of data.  As such, we do not state here any legal bases for using those types of personal data.

Who we share personal data with, and why  

We may pass on your personal data to our third party suppliers, providers and contractors who provide services to or for us in connection with us delivering the show and associated services to you. These services and third parties include:

  • Our staff who are employed by the LLP’s contractor, Nineteen Limited as Show Organiser and who perform the LLP’s tasks and activities.
  • Our staff who are appointed as consultants, agency staff, contractors or on any other basis other than as employees, but who are subject to our day-to-day line management or supervision.
  • Our website hosting contractor.
  • Our contractor(s) who manage our event PR and marketing.
  • Our contractor who manages visitor registrations for us.
  • Our venue provider (currently NEC).
  • Our insurers.
  • Our media planning contractor who manage and arrange our online targeted advertising (as described above in the section “How we use personal data”).
  • Social network providers. Service providers used by us or our suppliers, providers or contractors for sending email or other correspondence and for marketing services, managing health and safety or medical incidents as well as preparation for the Commercial Vehicle Show and holding the show.

The contractors use your personal data only for our purposes, to perform the tasks assigned to them, on our behalf, under our instruction, in relation to the Commercial Vehicle Show.  They are obliged not to disclose or use the information for any other purpose unless required by our instruction.  Suppliers and providers who are not listed (above) as being contractors, may be controllers and so may decide the purposes for which your personal data is used by or for them.

We may also disclose your personal data to other third parties: if we believe we are required by law to disclose or share such information, for example in order to comply with any legal obligation or to defend or enforce any legal or contractual rights; to identify, contact or take action against a person who is damaging or interfering with the rights, property or operations of any person; for any law enforcement purposes, including on the request or demand of any law enforcement or other legal, administrative or regulatory authority; in order to enforce or apply our Terms and Conditions or otherwise bring legal action against you; or if we are otherwise permitted to do so in accordance with UK data protection law.

How long we retain your personal data

We will retain and use your personal data until it is deleted as part of regular data cleansing or you ask us to stop holding it

We arrange for the Commercial Vehicle Show contact database (and individual records within it) to be cleansed annually.  The task is performed by us, or by our contractors (acting on our instruction).  We consider factors such as how recently you have visited the Commercial Vehicle Show (or otherwise been in contact with us).  If we or our contractors find that your records are inactive or potentially inaccurate for the purposes of our policies, we may delete the personal data that we hold about you, or (if we are able to obtain updates from you or another source that we consider reliable) update it. You can contact our Data Protection Manager, via, at any time to ask for details of the policies that we apply to make the update or deletion decision.

You can also contact our Data Protection Manager at at any time to exercise your right of erasure and your other rights under UK data protection law.

Location of your personal data

We correspond with a very large number of people each year about the show.  To achieve this we need to use specialised computing resources. All of our IT systems (and our other records, such as paper-based records) are stored in the United Kingdom by us (on our premises, or premises controlled by us) or on our behalf by our contractors who provide or manage our IT systems and other records.

The United Kingdom left the European Union on 31 January 2020. 

  • If you are in any EU member state, please be aware that your personal data is transferred, stored and used by us or our contractors primarily in the United Kingdom.
  • If you are not in the UK or any EU member state (the Commercial Vehicle Show is an international show and our visitors are based all over the world), be aware of where your personal data is transferred to, stored and used.  UK data protection law is based on EU data protection law and provides a level of protection for your data, and rights for you.  The laws where you are may provide similar, less or no such protection or rights, but we will unavoidably need to transfer your personal data to your location as part of (for example) our correspondence with you.

Links to Other Sites

Our website may contain links to other sites. If you click on a third-party link on our website, you will be directed to that site. Note that these external sites are not operated by us. Therefore, we strongly advise you to review the Privacy Notices of these websites. We have no control over, and assume no responsibility for the content, Privacy Notices or practices of any third party sites or services.

Your data and your rights  

Under UK data protection law and in certain circumstances, you have the right to:  

•            Request access to personal data that is held about you by or for us.  This includes a right for you to receive a copy of the personal data that is held, and to check it is being lawfully used by or for us.  If you would like to make a subject access request, please mark your correspondence to us with the heading “SUBJECT ACCESS REQUEST”.

•            Request rectification of your personal information if you become aware of any inaccuracies in your personal data that is used by or for us.

•            Request erasure of your personal data where (a) there is no good reason for us continuing to use it as described in this or our other Privacy Notices, (b) we rely on your consent and you have withdrawn it, (c) you have exercised your right to object to use of it by or for us (see below) and there is no exception permitting its continued use, (d) it is established that there was no lawful right for the use of your personal data by or for us, or (e) UK data protection law requires us to erase your personal data.

•            Object to the use of your personal data.  You can exercise this right if we rely on legitimate interests as the legal basis, and there is something about your particular situation which makes you want to object to the use of your personal data by or for us (if there is no exception which applies to permit us to keep using it).

•            Stop your personal data being used by or for us for profiling for direct marketing purposes, or for sending direct marketing to you, including online advertising that is directed to you via our chosen social networks (as described above in the section “How we use personal data”).

•            Restrict use of your personal data.  You can ask us to suspend use of your personal data by or for us, for example if you want us to establish its accuracy or the reason its use by or for us, or you consider it no longer needs to be used for our stated purposes (but you want it to be preserved).  You may also ask us to restrict use of your personal data if you exercise your right to object to our use of your personal data and no exception applies to permit its continued use by or for us.

•            Withdraw your consent if we rely on your consent as the legal basis for use of your personal data by or for us.

•            Opt out if you are receiving direct marketing emails from us based on informed opt-in (as described above).  You can opt out by following the unsubscribe instructions in the emails that we send to you, or by contacting

•            Complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office, which is the regulator of personal data and data protection the UK. See for details.

If you wish to exercise these rights please contact our Data Protection Manager, which you can do quickly and conveniently via

Our Security and your data

If you use our website, whilst we will use all reasonable efforts to safeguard your information, please bear in mind that the use of the internet can never be entirely secure.  

Children’s Privacy

Our websites and event services are not intended to address anyone under the age of 13. We do not knowingly collect personal data from children under 13. In the case we discover that a child under 13 has provided us with personal data, we immediately delete this. If you are a parent or guardian and you are aware that your child has provided us with personal data, please contact us via

Changes to This Privacy Notice

We may update our Privacy Notice from time to time. Thus, we advise you to review this page (as updated or replaced from time to time) periodically for any changes. We will notify you of any changes by posting the new Privacy Notice on this page. These changes are effective immediately, after they are posted on this page.

Version 2 – updated 6 December 2024


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